November 02, 2008

"sixteen, sixteen, sixteen minutes for this movie to finally end"


On last Friday, school's out because of the mid-Report Card thingy. So, because of mymom wouldn't let me go to the big Halloween Party for whatever reasons, i decided to go to PIM ( i mentioned it earlier on one of my blogposts) to have a movie marathon. Alika, Eva, Abi, and Fajar are coming. I thought Fajar isn't going to, and Bayu & Ashqara would come instead. Hm, but later B&A's the two who couldn't come. Ash, because of no one's driving her back and to PIM, and Bayu, .......well let's just say he just fell (astonishingly still asleep at 1 PM, on a Friday).

Me & Alika arrived at 11, and HSM starts at 3, so we decided to eat at Sushi tei (The enourmous, delicious, heaven for Sushi). And turns out it's still 12, and after some text messages to the Cinema, I say 'give em hell,' and then in a quick zip, we are queuing (not really, there's just this one person in front of us) to watch Eagle eye.

Oh and let me tell you. It wasn't worth it. I mean, for a movie as cool as Eagle eye, we only had to queue just like that? I mean, come onn! When we're about to buy tickets for HSM3 (at 11, the time where the ticket boxes aren't open yet) Let me tell you, the queue was as loooooong as the queue to hell.

And with this crappy deal of BCA cards, that guaranteed the deal to buy tickets with it, you get 1 free for buying a ticket. And look how well that turned out. I witnessed a lady buying 23 tickets at a time! Sheesh, anyways, Eva showed up when the movie starts, so she decided to come watch too.

After that we ran to Wendy's to meet up with the guys, and went to PIM 2 to watch HSM. We comein late, ad Abi promised we wouldn't miss anything much, it's going to be all singy gingsongs all movie anyways.

He's right. We got in when the song everyone made a big deal about, 'Now Or Never' plays and it's the middle of the game when it's breaktime. We, i admit, is really the loudest crowd there, too busy chatting. the sitting position is me whose near the alleyway, fajar, eva, abi and Alika.

The movie is a little ho hum. I love the ho, but it needs a little more hum.... Haha you've guessed it, i quoted Tommy lee. :p But seeeriously! fajar was like, 'sya, wake me up when the movie ends'. and after all songs were done, these kids (and a lot of them) ..cheered and clapped. And my God! When it's the kissing scene, the crowd went wild, and some mommys were like 'close your eyes children! no peeking!'. And abi felt like it's the best time to shout 'Oh! Don't watch Disney Movies! No more disney movies for all of you, children! Oh! Oh!' while standing up.

Seeeeeee, there's nothing that beats HSM 1!!!!!!

The songs are... OK, boring, other than Now Or Never, I Want It All, and The Boys Are Back anyway. And i like the orchestra 'We're All In This together' performance at the end. Almost all of the musical performances are great and the costumes are massive. It's cute.

But i still thought its..... d'uh. You better waste your money on Eagle eye. Wait, if you do, then it wouldnt be a waste. You better watch HSM on DVD... THEN it' worth it. No disney channel originals are woth watching over 2 hours long! I mean, that's the reason they are televised!

Hmmmh, okay. Here's Now Or Never Music Video. And now i have to make a money report whatsoever or my mom's gonna ground me. Sheesh. What's up with her mom hormones?

Mood: Grumpy, with nevertheless reasons
Reading: Doppelganger! by.. David something Jr. (it's kinda fun, but ..... idk)
Tooooodles! Oh! And i survived the PS thing! Yipee!