November 18, 2008

....Maia Ha, Ha!

sorry that i'm not in my best writing mood for a week and such, idk. hehe. I'm also unactive on Mibba, and it kinda pisses some people off :D hehe

Just want you to know that i'm really really sorry and i still love you! I'm just... I have no inspiration for A Little Piece Of.... AT ALL! If you got any ideas, you know where to call ;p

Mmmmmmmh tomorrow is Afri's birthday, you know... my soon-to-be-twelve little (not really) brother. Haha idk what to give him, kids these days (so what am i implying on myself, huh?)

Well, that's it for the post and i havent done anything for the Emo thingy, just looking at some pictures first, laah. Oh and i watched quantum of solace. Guh-reat! Not so much for my watching partner who sat beside me who yaps all movie long haha peace bay.

Andddd i really like the TI song featuring RiRi herself (who cancelled her tour here! ah!) it's called Live Your Life, and it's anoher proof that the Numa Numa is ruling the world! Whoo hoo! Hmh, but sorry that youtube's being a total B*tch and the original video is not available due to some warner thingy. Ohwell, here's a sneak peak instead.

Don't you just love Jeffree star and his sarcasm (not to mention great extensions)? haha i know i'm not making any sense but that's just me these days Not really, I'm listening to Jeffree's Louis Vuitton again on iTunes. Ohwell. Peace, Love, and Tablemanners, bye!

November 04, 2008

Boys, can't live with them; can't live without them

haha that quote is just sooooo true!!

Not to be cruel to you guys, but these days i'm having problems with you around, but well, you guys are just so fun! hahaha sometimes i think you guys are more fun to hangout with than the girls (No offense, girlies!)

I'm really in a sorta pissed mood right now, so i dont think that i'd be willing to share on this blog about what happened, i'll talk about other things instead, i'll try to post some more, even thinking if i should post the 'Emo' thing i've planned and kept you waited (as if here's anyone who's reading this :p lolz).

Hmm, tomorrow there'll be a science project and i would bring the triplex, fortunately my dad's driver is kind enough to help me with it and give me one from his house, so i dont have to spend money at all, thanks, pak aguss!

Okay, really i'm kinda using this to keep my mind outta my problems, and feeling so bad because of it. And it's gonna end!

Maybe i'm going to delete this post someday, because it really isn't making much sense, idk

Well, i have to restart my computer and see if the speaker'll work this time! Bummer, hm

I still don't understand math and i still hope brangelina would adopt me (jk)

..... And i hear that David&Posh are coming to (or maybe already in..) Jakarta! Wow wow wow, i have to keep my celebrity goggles on, wouldn't i? haha byebye! Seeyou in the next... um, 15 minutes! Toodles! Mwah!

Another great reason i love Perez Hilton (Becks' not bad either :p)

November 02, 2008

Prologue: emo invading

Along the time, there are lotsa emos in this world, agree?

One of the popular emo guys is Oliver Sykes; the lead singer, um not really, SCREAMER of Bring Me the Horizon. He has this clothing line which i actually liked. And there are HannaBeth & Audray Kitching. Well, this is just the prologue, i'll give you the dish this week or sometime laterz okay? Here's a rarely colorful emo picture, (Well it's Oli Sykes anyway ooh, i have his email loh ;p)

See? The t-shirt is kinda cute, and i'm getting it! hahaha

Wow, it's only 2008, what would it be like 10 years later? Would all of us be emo? Maybe tehre is a reason why those guys mae movies such as HSM and CampRock, toprevent kids from being emo.

.......and show em some Wildcat love! rawrrrr! :p toodles!

PS: I'm listening to Now Or Never again and again. not funny. bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt
PPS: I think i'll end every post with banners like the one below, if i'm not tired and everyting. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzth

Currently Listening: I want it all -Sharpay & Ryan (-_-') & Hey John What's Your Name Again -The Devil Wears Prada.

What can i say? I'm occasionally having mood changes

Put the paper in the shredder

Ah! I really wanna cry watching Synyster Gates shred (not paper shred, well of course, when it's Syn Gates, there's no paper involved, just major hotness *slapped Aisya twice*) his guitar while performing Afterlife, my favorite A7X song at Jakarta, wednesday, 2 weeks ago, i think. AH! Why must my mom NOT let me goooooo?

Hm, anyways, i kinda not care about the grounded thing, whatever. I'm good with lying, i'll just say the printer broke or something, hmh, big deal (shrugging)

....But that way i'm a step closer to hell. With all these sins I ...

Hmmm sins are bad, but when it comes to SYN.... Hm hm hm! (suggestive laughing)

God i gotta snap out of this

Oh, and my dad told me i could move from my room to the guest room and have a re-decoration. But i'm kinda scared sleeping there and i loved my now-room already. But the redecorating thing.... it does sound REALLY tempting. What would i do if i redecorated my room?

...Like Jon Walker's Yellow Bed? Hmmm, Not like what i had in mind.
I'll keep you posted (if i'm really am going to move rooms). Oh! And i'm really loving Katy Perry's new tune: Hot N Cold. Here it is! Enjoy people! And i have to face the truth soon enough, money report... ahead!

"sixteen, sixteen, sixteen minutes for this movie to finally end"


On last Friday, school's out because of the mid-Report Card thingy. So, because of mymom wouldn't let me go to the big Halloween Party for whatever reasons, i decided to go to PIM ( i mentioned it earlier on one of my blogposts) to have a movie marathon. Alika, Eva, Abi, and Fajar are coming. I thought Fajar isn't going to, and Bayu & Ashqara would come instead. Hm, but later B&A's the two who couldn't come. Ash, because of no one's driving her back and to PIM, and Bayu, .......well let's just say he just fell (astonishingly still asleep at 1 PM, on a Friday).

Me & Alika arrived at 11, and HSM starts at 3, so we decided to eat at Sushi tei (The enourmous, delicious, heaven for Sushi). And turns out it's still 12, and after some text messages to the Cinema, I say 'give em hell,' and then in a quick zip, we are queuing (not really, there's just this one person in front of us) to watch Eagle eye.

Oh and let me tell you. It wasn't worth it. I mean, for a movie as cool as Eagle eye, we only had to queue just like that? I mean, come onn! When we're about to buy tickets for HSM3 (at 11, the time where the ticket boxes aren't open yet) Let me tell you, the queue was as loooooong as the queue to hell.

And with this crappy deal of BCA cards, that guaranteed the deal to buy tickets with it, you get 1 free for buying a ticket. And look how well that turned out. I witnessed a lady buying 23 tickets at a time! Sheesh, anyways, Eva showed up when the movie starts, so she decided to come watch too.

After that we ran to Wendy's to meet up with the guys, and went to PIM 2 to watch HSM. We comein late, ad Abi promised we wouldn't miss anything much, it's going to be all singy gingsongs all movie anyways.

He's right. We got in when the song everyone made a big deal about, 'Now Or Never' plays and it's the middle of the game when it's breaktime. We, i admit, is really the loudest crowd there, too busy chatting. the sitting position is me whose near the alleyway, fajar, eva, abi and Alika.

The movie is a little ho hum. I love the ho, but it needs a little more hum.... Haha you've guessed it, i quoted Tommy lee. :p But seeeriously! fajar was like, 'sya, wake me up when the movie ends'. and after all songs were done, these kids (and a lot of them) ..cheered and clapped. And my God! When it's the kissing scene, the crowd went wild, and some mommys were like 'close your eyes children! no peeking!'. And abi felt like it's the best time to shout 'Oh! Don't watch Disney Movies! No more disney movies for all of you, children! Oh! Oh!' while standing up.

Seeeeeee, there's nothing that beats HSM 1!!!!!!

The songs are... OK, boring, other than Now Or Never, I Want It All, and The Boys Are Back anyway. And i like the orchestra 'We're All In This together' performance at the end. Almost all of the musical performances are great and the costumes are massive. It's cute.

But i still thought its..... d'uh. You better waste your money on Eagle eye. Wait, if you do, then it wouldnt be a waste. You better watch HSM on DVD... THEN it' worth it. No disney channel originals are woth watching over 2 hours long! I mean, that's the reason they are televised!

Hmmmh, okay. Here's Now Or Never Music Video. And now i have to make a money report whatsoever or my mom's gonna ground me. Sheesh. What's up with her mom hormones?

Mood: Grumpy, with nevertheless reasons
Reading: Doppelganger! by.. David something Jr. (it's kinda fun, but ..... idk)
Tooooodles! Oh! And i survived the PS thing! Yipee!

"Hey, you've reached Sam, leave a message! .. Even though I know it's you, mom"

Aw! That's my favorite Sam quote from the movie eagle eye. Seriously, have you watched it? It's suuuper cool!

Maybe it's time for another review, maybe not. Hmmm

Well, basically Eagle eye is about two people, that is Jerry Shaw and Rachel Holloman, two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations--using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move. As the situation escalates, these two ordinary people become the country's most wanted.

(And this is the part where people say 'dun dun dunnnnnn!')

haha jkjk. And one's that bugging me about this movie is Sam, Rachel's kid. But not in a bad way, in a good way. He's really adorable and such a cute little trumpet player. To make a long story short, he's my favorite character in this movie! (Shia LeBeouf's not bad either :p)

And what's bugging me is.... it's like i've seen him somewhere, hmm. And the conclusion is reveled near the end of the movie, when he plays the trumpet in the white house it all comes down into a click:

Sam's Ryan Ross' mini - me in the Video 'That Green Gentlemen'! And I actually have 2 pictures of him with Ryro in my dekstop! Wheeee! I'm good

With his round big clear eyes and his adorable toothy grin, i want him as my little brother! I'll trade him with alam ...and Afri! You know, with 2-for-1 deal, everybody wants to :p

Well, in Sam's (I don't know what's his real name) honor, I'll give you The Green Gentlemen music video from the wonderful world of youtube.

Awwwww! He's the first kid to appear! See how toothy and cute he is? (tear, tear, tear)

Hehehehe I edited this one myself to get youguys a zoom out. Aw he looks so happy (who doesn't when you're near Ryan Ross? Hahaha)

Okay, I'll give you another Review of HSM 3 In.... 15 minutes!

Peace, Love, And Table Manners. Ciao!

November 01, 2008

Are you there, god? It's me, Aisya

I'm doing a thousand things today, goddamn that's a mega achievement :p usually i just walking throughout the house all day long while humming MC Hammer's Can't Touch This.

Um, and there's one bad thing that happened.

My iTunes is gone





Crap Crappity Crap

My iTunes alongside its 466 capacity of songs had been vanished, with their lyrics and all. And now i have to reload it again. One - by - one.

And tonight i will go to the mall with shadows of bomb threats following me.

And i haven't done my Social Studies homework and my Math Homework is gone too.

But compared to world hunger, war in iraq, and many many dying babies in Africa,

God seems to be really loving me today

Be optimistic, people!

Dial A for...

Contact me!


Would love to hear from you! (And would love you even more if you brought some cherry licorice with you! :p Lolz)

Techno Tantrum

The header of this post is a thought i got from listening to Daft Punk over and over again. And daft punk tunes are, well... 7 minutes long? The remixes are anyways.

I'm a bit scared for the sakeness of this city. Lately, i've got emails and i watched the news about a new bomb threat.

The bomb guy named Amrozi is about to get a death sentence, so maybe it's the thing that got the other bombers wild.

And you know what's worse? They threat to bomb malls.

Malls! And what is it those fellow citizens do on weekends, to spend their time?

Yep, going to several malls, a day at a time. So, imagine how many victims there are if the threat is serious?

My dad warns me about this several times, yet yesterday i still went to PIM and luckily i was OK. I don't know about tonight, i'm going to Plaza Senayan. I hope everything would be ok.

I honestly don't understand what is it inside of those psycho bombers minds. They said they did it because of god. Yet, God doesn't want you to kill people! And they mostly attacked tourist places, like Bali, for example. And now Indonesia's image is becoming worse and worse due to the public eye. I wonder how that could be? Gee, i don't know.

Some say the president is 'doing everything he could' about this kind of terrorist situation. Oh really? Does he really do that thing really hard he deserved a break to watch Laskar pelangi with hi swife and all? Not to say Presidents doesn't deserve to get some fun, but seriously. Movie, or the sakeness of yur country.

Not to get diplomatic, but this kind of problems are occasionally being on my nerves.

I should hit repeat on my iTunes because Daft Punk's tunes are over. ...Done

So many problems Indonesia has yet to solve, and yet so little time.

And in this world, there are good and evil.

Save the cheerleader, save the world

(not so much for the ending :p hehe)

Currently Listening: Around The World by Daft Punk
Checkitawt! :

Toodles, this whole halloween thing is getting me sleepy and hungry for some heroes or scrubs marathon.

To Consider,

Wow, i've been super 'emo' on the last two posts.

Whaddya think? -_-'


Walking while talking,
Talking while walking.

My left brain felt like it's d-e-a-d with a capital D, i'm feeling Bored with a capital B to the bone.

Chewing some gum and drinking some liquor,

I need something to keep myself outta my messed up mind. Maybe it could be you, maybe it's just me.

Talking while walking
Walking while talking

Why do that when you could just twirl?

And the phrase 'I'm forever yours' don't mattered that much anymore, in this world full of modernated hypocrytes.

Maybe i should call you to pinch me out of my imaginary mind,

But oh my i was wrong, i'm inside my one lonely world.

Walking while talking
Talking while walking

I never seem to get it, why do you people could do some seriously confusing things in one click.

Drumrolls, guitar strings, monotone talking, i'm hugging my imaginary skellanimals in the corner of the room.

You know what i want? Or more likely what i need?

I need painkillers, and no prescribed ones, because they're the only things that could make me get through this rainy day.

Some say love is the best drug. Well there's this one thing; some time we take chances, on other times, we take pills

Aware of Awesomeness

15 minutes ago i'm walking along the streets of my house in a pair of shorts & a loose fitting disneyland shirt. A frown plastered over my face, showing the world my gloomy mood today.

Children playing tag and football and maybe hide and seek, i rolled my eyes at their giddyness and pressed play on my iPod.

Soon enough 'Hey Nightmare Where Did You Get Them Teeth' by A Skylit Drive twirls through my left ear, since the right earphone's dead. In the mood for some screamo, i bobbled my head to the drumbeats.
Enjoying Michael Jagmin's high clear tune of voice, and with Brian White, the adorable bassist's constant screaming, i let my emotions out.

"collide your sword with mine. ll send your soul to the hell where it came this i know youll never set your eyes on a quest you cant survive. its no surprise. your head hangs from my hands. your mouth cant sin nor lie. cut through the limbs stab through the enemies eyes. any last man will die...."
Somehow the screams are just too loud for me so i turn the volume down to the medium level. Glancing left and right, i found my housekeeper keping an eye on me. Asking one single question while pointing at the sun.
"Why so glum?"
"run for the skylines, run for the skylines, darling -follow the light of the moon, just stay alive.
....Forgive me, for tomorrow."
PS: Have you checked out the new layout? Kewl huh? How about the header? :D Comments made my day!
Currently Listening: Hey Nightmare Where Did You Get Them Teeth -Skylit Drive over and over again;
Currently Watching: THS Posh & Becks -blah


I can't sleep,
Those dark bats are still waving their long black wings

I can't sleep,

the water machine of the pool is still running deep

I can't sleep,
Slow buzzing sounds from the air conditioner offers a treat

I can't sleep,
the grass are brushing from one another outside in the creek

I can't sleep,
My dad opens the door for a peep

And when the water stops bugging me with its drips

Still, I can't sleep.

It's going to be a looooooooong night, isn't it?