October 28, 2008

Ru-u-u-ningg, Cli-i-imbing!

(translation: I'm kinda lazy to type, so here's my way of saying hello. Hello!)

JK, JK..............

Ooh and first of all, check out my friend Alika's Blog! It's, some weird yet thoughtful questions will be asked; like which one is the best? BB touch or iPhone 3G? (Un)lucky for me, i remind STUCKED with my Samsung SGH-1400. Guh-reat. Even some of my modernated friends think of it as an USB, or worse.... an Air Conditioner Controler.

Fun fun.

Oh! And a big question of my own! Dun-dun-dunnn!

What would HSM 3 be like??????????


Well, i absolutely LOVED and ADORED the first one (until i found out Zac doesn't really sings in it, um nevermind), and the second one.... not so much but it is still OK. Lotsa people says that sequels suck, but i still gave em a big thumbs up! (um, not very much for the Miley, what, 2 second cameo that everyone made a big deal about? Meh). Ooh! I get jumpy all over in my seat thinkin of the super cool (yet kinda gay) dance moves and songgssss!

But nothing beats 'Breaking Free' and 'Bop To The Top!'

Ooh! Ooh! And 'We're All In This Together'!!!!!!!

Well, let us all have a HSM Nostalgia, and lemme get something for you from the jollyfull world of youtube:

Not before a parody!

Hee hee i'm havin fun with Jibjab.

Here here,

"Strength to belieeeeeeve, We're breaking freeeeeeeeee!"

Ah i used o have fun jumping on the couch singing along to that song *tear* haha,

well, some HSM goodie for all of you who possibly reads this! Toodles! (doing the sharpay wave)

Currently listening: Breaking Free by the Cast of HSM
Currently reading: Your Hand In Mine by SilencedPoet_ on mibba