October 28, 2008

Ru-u-u-ningg, Cli-i-imbing!

(translation: I'm kinda lazy to type, so here's my way of saying hello. Hello!)

JK, JK..............

Ooh and first of all, check out my friend Alika's Blog! It's, some weird yet thoughtful questions will be asked; like which one is the best? BB touch or iPhone 3G? (Un)lucky for me, i remind STUCKED with my Samsung SGH-1400. Guh-reat. Even some of my modernated friends think of it as an USB, or worse.... an Air Conditioner Controler.

Fun fun.

Oh! And a big question of my own! Dun-dun-dunnn!

What would HSM 3 be like??????????


Well, i absolutely LOVED and ADORED the first one (until i found out Zac doesn't really sings in it, um nevermind), and the second one.... not so much but it is still OK. Lotsa people says that sequels suck, but i still gave em a big thumbs up! (um, not very much for the Miley, what, 2 second cameo that everyone made a big deal about? Meh). Ooh! I get jumpy all over in my seat thinkin of the super cool (yet kinda gay) dance moves and songgssss!

But nothing beats 'Breaking Free' and 'Bop To The Top!'

Ooh! Ooh! And 'We're All In This Together'!!!!!!!

Well, let us all have a HSM Nostalgia, and lemme get something for you from the jollyfull world of youtube:

Not before a parody!

Hee hee i'm havin fun with Jibjab.

Here here,

"Strength to belieeeeeeve, We're breaking freeeeeeeeee!"

Ah i used o have fun jumping on the couch singing along to that song *tear* haha,

well, some HSM goodie for all of you who possibly reads this! Toodles! (doing the sharpay wave)

Currently listening: Breaking Free by the Cast of HSM
Currently reading: Your Hand In Mine by SilencedPoet_ on mibba

October 27, 2008

Breaking up in Facebook


Beware guys&girls who are out&about on the net

There is a new way to break your hearts! Check out exhibit A
Can't read it? Her status reads Sandra is letting Will know that it's officially over via Myspace.
Eew, that's just mean.
What's even mean-er, if you change your relationship status to break up.
Exhibit B: I found some friends from out of the country changing their relationship status to break-up.
Sample: Aisya changes her status from In A Relationship to Single.
I know thee are people who did this after breaking out, but there are just some meanies who did it before breaking up.
Poor people, that is just plain sad. Ohwell, got some homework to do!
Peace, Love, and Table Manners. Ciao!

October 26, 2008

Gossips, Drossips! : Channing's fiancee

Ah! I havent told you that Channing Tatum has proposed to Jenna Dewan on Sept. 9th!

So sad, so sad. yet so happy! I couldn't find a girl who matched him (unless me, of course :p). He said over the phone that he 'choreographied' the proposal himself in Maui.

Ah! A proposal! In Maui! I wonder if Jenna got whatever she likes... because Channing's like TI in a more-hunky-and-dancey sort of way. (sya, seriously get over it)

Andddd on the proposal area, he secretly invited some close friends and family to witness the proposal. Aw, so totally kawaii! And the ring is from Neil Lane! (Hum I still prefered Tiffany's but Neil Lane is as expensive and exquizite so....)

And Channing quoted;
"She's so incredibly sweet," so Tatum simply said about Dewan. Yet, he has previously opened up about the girl of his dream, telling People he would love to date "someone who doesn't take herself too seriously and can be a goofball. Because everyone's a nerd inside, I don't care how cool you are."

Ooh but i do care of how (incredibly) cool he is!

Ah, so it is time to finally say goodbye to my longtime crush since the 6th (or is it 5?) grade. I hope you have a good life, Channy! And don't forget to wish me luck with Syn Gates! ...Or Brad Pitt!

(The Happy yet-to be Married couple on a friday Night)

.....Or Orlando Bloom! HEHEHEHE

Got money

"saying you can have whatever you like... Yeah!"

Aw just saw TI's whatever you like again. It has been bombarding the charts! You know the thing that got me interested is that the chick on the video really got whatever she wants! Jewellery, Money (and lots of them), a supa cool car, and a hot boyfriend like TI himself! Whoooeee i would love to have a goddamn boyfriend with lotsa money to get me whatever me likey (raising eyebrows up and down with a suggestive motive)

Anyways, the video ended with the chick finally realizing that all of it is just a dream of her own, nothing really is happening.


Does that mean i have to work realy hard to get what i want?

Answers from...
Mom: Well yeah, you have to! I don't get this whole louisvuitton all by sitting around!
Jeffree Star: Hell to the yes, my beauty doesn't pop that easy, sweets
...Khloe Kardashian: Be a gold digger!

kidding, kidding.

Oh and here's something to entertain youguys. I saw it on VH1 and it obsessed me uppp!

It's the Little Superstar, you know it.

AH! I wish my brothers could be like the little guy so that i could actually make money with their help! hahaha i wishhhh

PS: The last smoking part is just totally L-O to the L. pshht

Take an anger management Class!

Well, the thing is...........

With Nick Jonas (and his arms!) there is nothing to be angry about! :p

October 09, 2008

Recipes: Griled Cheese

Berdasarkan fakta yang dibahas oleh Wikipedia:

A grilled cheese sandwich (also known as a cheese toastie or toasted cheese sandwich) is a toasted or fried sandwich consisting of two slices of bread, usually buttered, and cheese melted in between. It is a simple variation on the very old combination of bread and cheese.

Ada cara buatnya segala! Cool! Ini mengubah pandangan gue tentang wikipedia, ternyata, bener bener cocok disebut 'The free enciclopedia', lebih cocok lagi disebut 'The free food recipes and weird animals plus ancient scripts based on an enciclopedia on the web'. Wow, mungkin ini nama aslinya, tapi karena yang buat ngerasa nggak fleksibel jadi dipendekin 'The free enciclopedia'. Ah ngapain juga dibahas, bikin mules.

Anywayssss how to make grilled cheese!

In the United States, the outside of the assembled sandwich is usually buttered before being fried. Occasionally, mayonnaise is used instead. The sandwich may be grilled with a griddle, pan, or cast iron skillet, or in a dedicated sandwich maker.[1] Once the bottom of the sandwich has reached a toast-like texture, the sandwich is flipped and continues cooking until both sides are toasted and the cheese has melted.

nice! sebenernya ada versi UKnya tapi kan states lebih common... oh well.

Gue sempet terinspirasi dengan Grilled Cheese yang terdengar sangat enak dan mudah dibuat ini tak beberapa lama lalu (kalo 5 tahun masih bisa dibilang sebentar). Waktu itu, gue dapet microwave baru, 'biar gampang ngangetin' kata ibu gue 5 tahun yang lalu.

Gue dengan jiwa anak ingusan yang duduk di kelas 2 sd itupun penasaran. Semua yang dimasukkan kesana otomatis panas! dan macaroni schottel kejunya jadi meleleh leleh gitu mmmmmm.
Gue dengan tengilnya mencoba membuat grilled cheese versi Aisya: Cheddar Cheese dimasukkan microwave! 'Sungguh fenomenal!' kira kira gue dulu berfikir begitu, 'next stop, i'm going to be as rad as Einstein!'
Setelah beberapa percobaan gagal (karena lupa nyopot plastiknya dan lain lain) akhirnya jadi deh! Grilled Cheese versi saya yang dinamakan 'Keju Bakar!' Kejunya meleleh meleleh gitu ke piringnya, tapi pas dicoba asin. (ya iyalah masa rasanya hamburger) akhirnya dikasih messes deh atasnya, wah tak terduga pemirsa (serasa bambang bambang acara TV itu) rasanya sama dwengan makanan kelas atas! (terdengar decakan kagum para koki koki yang hadir: aka mbak mbak gue waktu itu)
Being the trendsetter that i am (cailah) adik adik saya afri & alam (mungkin lebih dikenal dengan nama spesies adikadikresesaurus) juga ngikut ngikut! Wah gila rasa bangga saya nggak terkalahkan waktu itu.
tapi sayangnya nggak berlangsung lama karena microwave sempet ngadat karena mencoba makanan baru yaitu susu bubuk bakar ditambah meses, (ini beneran loh, nggak bohong) jadi ya... uang jajan untuk sementara ditarik dulu.
Bosen ngejayus nih, bye!
PS: Makanan keju bakar dilindungi hak cipta & PETA jadi kalo mau coba coba aja sendiri nggak ada yang ngelarang. I swear it's really goood!

Hasta La Vista, yours truly


"He has the hip factor—he has that following," Janine Blain says, tentang temennya si Steve Aoki, "If you've been to Los Angeles at All, You must know him"

Satu lagi puji puji dari salah satu of LA's cool people tentang DJ Favorit gue, Steve Aoki. Org org jakarta bilang "Hah sya kok lo suka sm Steve Aoki sih? Kayak cina cina gembel gt orangnya". Kalo lo nanya ini, jangan kaget kalo gue bales dengan tatapan sinis trs ngejelasin betapa kreatifnya dia blablabla dan kalo Steve itu jauh lebih berbakat dari adiknya yang merupakan the shortest model in the world, Devon Aoki (ituloh, cewek yang main di 2fast 2 furious).

Gue suka sebel, kalo org dalem negri tuh sukanya ngeliatin org dr penampilannya aja, nggak what's on the inside. Mau bukti? Exhibit A: Kalo lo jalan jalan ke PIM misalnya, ada cewek rambutnya ungu di potong kayak tante Rihanna trs pake tube top. Ngerasa kalo lo ngeliatiiin bgt tuh org nggak? jangan bohong deh, gue juga sering, ditambah komentar2 sinis yang gue bagi ke temen2 seperjalanan.

Waktu gue ke Singapur desember lalu, kayaknya nggak ada tuh org komentar atopun ngeliatin cewek pake shorts dll. Ya di bali juga sih, tp kan itu kota turis (haha my aunt pernah bilang "di bali tuh masih untung pake baju!") tapi mungkin adab kita berbeda ya, bukan bermaksud jadi racist (haha padahal akhirnya nggak jelas)

Haha gimana sih sya, first post kok ngebahasnya yg berat begini. Haha okedeh!

I'm Aisya, 14 and living. I'm indonesian and you can fill the blanks on your own because each people has their own perception :p lolz

Mau tahu lebih banyak? Silahkan ketik REG sepasi AISYA kirim ke 9090! Jangan lupa! SMS yang kamu terima langsung dari aku lowchhhhh. Anda ngga mau susah danmenghabiskan pulsa? Then simply add yourself as a friend on my Myspace by searching 'Aisya Makki'. Youknow the drill :p

really loooooove Steve Aoki's work (and his Signature Macbook Black ofcourse) and other creative people who inspired me somuchhh, and new era people who i couldn't wait to meet! If you're it, then nice to (almost) know you!

Nggatau kalo gede mau jadi apa, terlalu banyak cita cita dari fashion Designer, painter, DJ sampe makeup artist. Hey, we Libras have artistic souls, deal with it.

Perbedaan Aisya dengan Steve Aoki? Steve's cool, heavy partygoer, have lotsa fans, great style, great mixing and aisya? ..................Oh well lemme get this straight, Me and Hip? We don't mix.

Seeyou on the next post! (yang ini hrsnya judulnya diganti jadi 'Admiring Stevie') Bye bye!