April 24, 2009

Watcha know 'bout me watcha watcha know

Hahaha i'm in loooove with Bon Qui Qui! :D

sorry if it's short, more soon? :)

April 21, 2009

Let me help you with that

Attention Civilians! Because of the not-yet-sleeping-at-11-on-a-school-night syndrome, i decided to make a list, here it goes....

(namely, me)

1. Stand aside from the bitchiness and get your niceness kit instead, because you have to be careful, i do bite :3

2. Prepare yourself some candy, because it makes me dandy

3. Talk to me about some RCTs, not some shiz that would make me go ahhhmm

4. Be a mind reader, or else you can't read my intentions like a book

5. Take a deep breath because i talk fast

6. Kill your imaginary friend. you'll have a whole lot of better fun with me instead

7. I'm always up for some gossip & mayhem

8. Un-pucker your lips because i prefer hugs over kisses, they last longer

9. Give our conversation a background music so we'll be at the same state of hip

10. I'll treat you as if you were my best buddy if you would stop doing that annoying thing with your eyelashes

Bada-bing, that's it! I'm back to MySpace, facebook has been a lot lot lot more boring these days, agree? :p

"I'm a mess but you'll adore my every single teardrop"

A Melody from my Psycophatic mind

haha the title is actually a song i made ;) haha but you won't get a chance to see it because i can do it like that. I've been really into myspace! Check out my profile and if you decided to be awesome and add me as a fwend, i'll totally love you! <3

I've just watched CSI:NY, the first episode from the latest season. Argggh, can't wait for the Pete-Ashlee episode! And the most wanted guest star is... Nelly, of course! It's been years but his 'Ride Wit Me' tune is still up for jammin'

I'm saying stuff right now -__-

Oh, and by the way, if i had a lomo camera i'll decorate it up just like this....

How could you not love oliver sykes and his girlfriend Amanda? Shesira is so obsessed with them and me too! :D (not as hyper as her but, hm yeah). And my friends are so into TrueBlood. Myself? I don't know..... because there are so much perverted-filled-scenes and me, being a religious person doesn't like that kind of stuff :P :P :P 

And check out Sabila's Blog, she had listed the alphabetical list of Atreyu (which their song, Doomsday, i'll admit is good!) and it has been posted on February. Why don't you give your blog a little more attention, sab? :( i'm sure i'll love it, considering you're very good at writing and all

Well that's all for now. It's pretty pointless if you ask me, i just want a reason to post up the picture ;3 toodles

April 20, 2009

Mes Awesome Entourage! :D

Today we had a task of describing people in Bahasa Indonesia Class. So, here are my results ;)

"Aisya itu baik tp gk sabaran kalo aku mulai berisik. Paling kesel kalo ngedengerin saya nyayi lagu ngulang2 trs. Aisya suka nyuruh org diem. Aisya itu sewet (sewot) & EMO" -Sasa

"Aisya itu agak freek (bener gak tulisannya, sya? bodo ah). Dia sangat suka dengan band metal bernama TDWP Lagunya Reptar (king of the ozone) - Aryo

"Aisya itu agak freak (benernya gitu) dengan adek adek yang lucu tp rada berisik" - Abiyog

"Aisya itu juga orang yang baik dan tidak pelit (tapi saya kurang dekat sama Aisya) - Ryan

"Tak hanya itu! Aisya juga pandai dalam bermain guitar hero, sampai sampai pernah menang saat kami semua sedang latihan drama (melawan banyak teman) - Gibzy!

"Aisya juga rajin loh. Kadang kadang saya pernah tanya PR ke dia. Waktu dia jadi kaos juga rajin. Saya bingung juga sih kadang - kadang" -Alvin

"Ia juga merupakan orang yang pintar dan juga baik hati" - Dimas aka Larry

"Aisya adalah orang yang sabar walaupun sering dijailin Bayu & Abiyyu" - Bima

"Menurut saya, Aisya adalah anak yang kreatif" - Adira

"Menurut saya, Aisya adalah orang yang baik dan suka bagi bagi permen" - Harvey

"Aisya Makki adalah kakak dari Afri & Alam. Aisya adalah orang yang sangat sabar. Aisya juga baik hati. Dan Aisya sangat menggemari aku :)" -Ajeng

"Aisya fansku! kita hampir semua masa bahagia & sulit kita selalu bersama ya :) kamu tuh pinter gambar banget, kreatif & juga........ freak kadang. Luvluv" -Inka

"Aisyaaaaaaaa mei - mei! Help Aisya! Aisya itu baik sekali dan sangat sabar. Gambarnya bagus! Dan cepat menangis. Aku & Aisya adalah best friend, HAHAHA. tp Aisya sk freak!" - Gima

"Behhh... TAISYA MEISYA KASHA!!! Aisya itu orangnya baik banget. Kita mulai deket kelas 5 haha mandeh! Terus KOCAK, seru pinter whatever! hahahaha help aisya! Terus she's my bestbest friend :D oke? Lovelove" - Anggie

"Aisya, mama harap kamu sedikit lebih giat belajar, kamu harus menggapai cita - cita mu setinggi langit. gak nyampe? Pake tangga dong (HAHA JAYUS) Agung love u. With love, mama <3" -Abiyyu

"Aisyaa!! Pintar dan kreatif dan baik, gambarnya selalu bagus dan Aisya itu rumahnya di cilandak" -Fildza

"Aisya kreatif, pinter bahasa Inggris, suka freak! gue suka ketawa lo hahaha" - Ike

"Aisya seru. Pintar serta kreatif. Suka aneh nge-freak sendiri. Tapi baik banget" - Nefa

"Aisya Setiawati... bla bla. Baik tapi pas SD jahat haha" - Nindy

"Aisya Setiagung ROCK! and METAL!" - Bayu

"Aisya! Kemaren nonton heroes ga? haha. Baik banget, ramah, kreatif" - Azka

"Aisya baik, kreatif, ngomongnya cepet banget, pinter" - Ayunda

"AISYA SERU BAIK! suka banget gambar dan gambarnya bagus. ngomongnya cepet. Ohiya 50 RIBU AH!" - Dara

"AWW RAYMUNDO! :) hahaha kangen deh ya sama Abu" - Ashqara

I LOVE YOU MY ENTOURAGE! :D always have, always will. And i do mean EACH and EVERY ONE of you! :) :) :) :)

April 14, 2009

Backstreet's back, awright!


We eat your babies! hahahaha this van is the shizzzzzz!
Oh and sorry this post doesn't make much sense, i just need a filler 

"Curious boy next door gone wrong"

currently listening to: Backstreet boys, of course

April 09, 2009

Juliet, quit bugging Juliana!

Whatcha think about the new header and layout? Pretty rad, huh? :)

I'm back from Pacific Place, i've had lunch at Pancious with Karin, Diandra, and Mr Amy. It was helluva fun! One thing's missing though, Ginad wasn't there. I think the 5 of us should have a better communication towards each other, so these things could be prevented. Oh before i forgot to mention this, check out Drias' blog! My favorite one is My Diamonds <3. Think i should make one too? Haha kidding dreebeehhh

I found these pictures on my 'Pictures from Computer' folder.....

HAHAHAHAHA me and my then-obsession is just... d'uh. I used to not wanting to share these kind of pictures with anyone. Trust me, there's plenty more! Now my world is full of Emo Music, maybe that's one of the things that drives me wild, huh? :p 

Alika showed me the picture of Bronx Mowgli Wentz with his mom which she got from her blog, and i admit i was pretty disappointed, i thought that he's going to be much cuter, more cuter than Kingston Rossdale. Ohwell, maybe it's just the bad camera angle or whatsoever, hey heads up! maybe he'll be 10 times hotter than his dad (with his awesome jawline) when he grows up! :) On my way to again! tee hee

...Thinking if i shoud buy a beach house at Santa Monica (HA-HA-HA AS IF!!!)

Listening to:

The Pros and Cons of Breathing - Fall Out Boy

From the album: Take This To Your Grave

"better kisses never last ; you said"

April 07, 2009

Attack Of The Supernovas

Currently listening to Lady Gaga's Love Game, and the beat is ssssick! Anywayssss there's nothing new that is happening in my life the past 4...5 days. School's still a big pain in the ass, problems kept greeting me and decided to stay put for a while, still being a laveg, but all the temptations is just too... tempting. But i don't think that i am that attracted to meat like i was before. On saturday, we had had a family dinner at Amadeus Setiabudi, (It was my mom's birthday!) near my grandma's apartment and i ordered steak. Just by looking at it i felt ridiculous and i only ate like, 2 bites then offering it to Afri who gladly took it. Hmmm......


So the millenium trend is hitting the fashion runways, hm? To check other stuff out go to bunnybisous' blog, it had once being mentioned in Teen Vogue alongside other rad fashion blogs, this one's my favorite, of course! The model feautured above is Karlie Kloss, not really liking her and all, but she's kinda cool. It's only that sometimes i'm thinking 'are those 1mm width bodies actually have organs? If yes, they do, where the hell do they put them? below their massive mink fur coats????' GO GO PETA2!

I'm really lovin'! Hahaha i know at first i think it's yucky but actually it's kinda fun. So i've made 3 babies with ...ahem, a certain someone and i've reached the jackpot and got 3 uber cute babies! :D hahaha! Can't wait to get married (?????) um, no not really

And...... my old flame is burnin up again, *sighs* when would he stop being so hot??

Because i'm nice i'll leave you an eye candy <3>


"This charade isn't going to last, so pick up your poison and pour yourself a glass"