December 01, 2008

Early December: New Year's Resolution!

Whoa! We really need to slow down our horses because well, 2008 is ending soon! in about 30 more daysss! It's seriously felt like it was yesterday when i celebrated New Year at Singapore. Turns out it was almost a freaking year ago. Phew! Next stop, i would be at High School already if this timing turns out too fast

today on the 1st of December, 2008...... there is a new couple! haha Say hello to Kemadya! Or Kemal & Nadya. They have said their I do's this afternoon. Congrats! Yippe-yi-yay!

Annnnnnnnnnd as i said earlier, it's the first day of December, also known as the last month of the year, (and my dad's birthday's in the next 8 days. Presents to buyyy!) what's more likely to do than make an early New Year Resolution, right right?

I'll make mine super long but colored so i won't get bored to read it over&over again

Let's see.... Hmmmm

Aisya Makki's Super New Year's Resolution!!!

1. Be A Better Muslim: I know i haven't been the best this year in praying and all, i hope it will turn 180 degrees next year! Allahu Akbar!

2. Stop Living on Lies: Stop, stop, stop. This is my worst habit and i want it to stopppppp! I don't want to live in hell, and i have to repeat that inside my somewhat ridiculous mind 100times everytime i've done a sin. Okay, be a better person, Aisya!

3. Be a Vegetarian & Live healthy-ly!: I have to promise myself i will be a vegetarian this year with a minimum total of one month long. Maybe if i can, i will take a week of one month everymonth to be a vegetarian. Meat's not green! Go peta2! Eat good, exercise good

4. Have my own tree at Kalimantan: I've found out about this program months ago, and i really want to have one, but like always, my lazy self was to... yeah, lazy. To prevent global warming we have to start from ourselves! (Don't mock me this time, rin)

5. To have better Grades!: And win some throphy's so i can make my mom proud (readers go awww)
6. Buy a new Handphone WITH MY OWN MONEY: i'll extend this one until mid-2010, i've got to buy a new handphone whatever it is, a blackberry, sidekick, nokia, or even esia i don't know. but it has to be from my own money! so i'll love it with double big hearts. And i'll learn to make money & love money (not only splurging it)
7. To Finally Ride A Bike: No promises though! :D
8. Be a Fashion Designer: I've been spending time designing but i won't get my designs out. Next year i've got to make some of my designs real, even the t-shirt ones! Maybe if this one succeed, and some people would like to buy............ maybe it'll help my number 6 resolution. Hmmm
9. Be A Better Sister: My brother's are keeping their fingers crossed! ;p
10. To Make Every Single Day Count, and Learn from Past Mistakes.

Phew! That was a long one, isn't it???? hahaha I hope i'll finish all of it including some little doodles i made about beinjg the best antagonistic character, MUAHHAHA and some other few things. Toodles! :))))))))))))))

PS: I know this is published today, on Tuesday, 2nd december 2008, so it's not concistent with the post. The thing is, my computer got error last night so i got the chance to publish it well.... today! haha sorry2. byebye (kisses)


Karina Hikmayudi said...


Karina Hikmayudi said...

oh and... same here! i've always wanted to have my own tree there too but i figured 5 months earlier than you. anyway idk how though and i think that's a sweet of you to think so considering well.. it came from you (NO OFFENSE)

syaaaa, ayo dong design lo lo jual aja pasti bnyk yg beli!